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With Deft Skill and Superb Courage

Dearest Sweetie;

All day I’m slave for you--not one lick in the crap game do we hit, in fact, the mutials don’t even succeed in enticing a wager from me. Always am the soft touch tho--one of the transferees nicked the roll for a finiff. Must be more careful. Besides being caught with my drawers at half-mast, have many other fine accomplishments for the week. First, I’m a plumber of no ill means. The next time your toilet refuses to negotiate, call Martin (thats really Muscles job as a shipfitter. Soap cures all stain and fingering smells. Second, as an electrician. With deft skill and superb courage, (the juice off) can change switches, sockets, searchlites or wiring. Third, the machinist instinct. Bored holes, fixed lights (shutters on signal lites). Fourth, the carpenter--all week, I’m making with hinges and locks and clasps. Fifth, the

--for the last couple of periods off, have been working on this “McNamara lace.” Like the fancy canvas workmanship seen through the port of an Admirals barge or a captain’s gig. All canvas stripped down and tied in fancy shapes. Building us a shower curtain. Lastly, the imparting of knowledge to the youths in Navy blue. Go all out on that job, cause the more and better they are, the less the fleet needs us old broken down people.

The war doesn’t need us hon. We’ve witnessed a bomb or two--what the Navy needs most is a point system to let a few go home. I know, I haven’t been to sea for months, but why can the Army come home and we can’t. Oft times wondered if they love their gals more than we do.--Miss you so much hon., every night when I turn in, want to be with my gal. One dreams and turns to fondle--a cold steel strap instead of a warm throbbing body. (Taint the way my dreams says should go) Your sweeter and nicer every day Stinko--don’t right feel deserving.


Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM2/c



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