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Whittling Down the Income Tax

Hello Luscious;

Tis always nice to speak or think or write of antiquity, but the presence of you could speedily put these thoughts from my mind. I miss you more and more hon., everyday that passes brings a greater yearning to be close to you. Do you suppose there’s something wrong with me, not doing my best, except thinking about you.

Haven’t decided where to live, so your going to have to check with E.A. as to where he's going to start the business again. The thing which has been spinning the cerebelum of late

Bess and E.A. Martin

is our homestead. Now my love, I’m not so speedy upstairs and the war-bonds aren’t maturing for another eight or ten yars so ye must figure out ways of financing said domicile. (Five bloody centurys these years in the Navy seem, and all the ‘money’ sense that I ever possessed has long since wasted away.) Back to homes, did the pater tell you he sold the Nebr. structure? Now homes and land are considerably cheaper back there. A six room home, less property comes around 58 to 65 hundred. We don’t posess that much, now, but it seems that somewhere I’ve read of the Federal Housing Act. (or Association) While your whittling down the income tax some eve at the foundry, would it be possible to check on that. I’m under the impression that we need a third down and the rest is paid by a method similiar to rent.

Am tired and sleepy hon. Guten tage

Always my

Love for thee.

Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM2/C



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