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Wagered the C Note


Think that’s a depreviation of, hello I hope--The heart sings a rather melodious tune this morn hon., The fite we wagered the C note on--we didn’t win--but salvaged it anyhoo. The little Fil got a draw, by a lot of luck. A big upset, cuz he is supposed to be the best on the island--Really guess he is but those 20 pounds he gave were too much. To express my enjoyment, will give you a nickle to buy a cone wif hon.

As per schedule, failed to scribe last eve. Seems that Saturday nights are the days of a

let down. The weeks work is all completed and ya’ just sit around to play crib with strikers. Part of the course (extra-curriculum) for two or three of the brains in each class to be tutored on the finer points. Funny how that works out the intelligent ones and those not so much so. The smartest generally go to some admirals staff and work like hell. They don’t get rated very fast, because there they are generally in a ‘hot’ gang. Their more backward facsimiles get on smaller stuff and garbage scows--these people get rates no strain. Rather backward don’t you think?

I’m backward too hon. Yas--but not with my stinky Sweety. You are definately the lite of my life, my love. Now that the rates are almost equal, no longer afraid to

come home and take part in one small ceremony. Hey, has your mother ever pictured me in a suit? Seems she’s leery of service uniforms. The glammer, she thinks makes for the attraction. When we buy me a suit, seeing as how you see more of that cloth than me, should buy us a nice pinstripe. The last one I purchased, Leo picked his much more suitable for the occasion.--I like you more everyday Hon.


Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM1/c



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