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To Kiss Thy Hand, Sweet Wylie

Dear Sweetie;

Ya’ know, after two or three days without any letters from you, something seems to be missing. Its a little like missing four or five meals, or never seeing land, or staying on watch for over 36 hours--anyway hon, something is definately missing. Youve grown to be such a nice part of me, maybe only a mental part, but one that is indispensable. Yep, I luff you very much.

Same data today--not a good word. The third fleet came into Pearl today and I had great expectations of crawling aboard one of the cans, cruisers or wagons but here the dusk has fallen and no orders yet. The only reason I want that is, because it seems the most likely ticket back to you. The outfit I’m under Comservpac, says that no man with less than a year out here will even consider leave. On a ship, its a damn sight different. Every time you hit a Navy yard, leave pops up.

Worked agin today--a seaman seconds job, cleaning a head. After such menial tasks as that, they have the nerve to call me up to ship over. Such gall. So help me hon, will take W.P.A. to this type of service. After listening to some of the half-witted conversations that go on around here, know we’ll never starve to death. So help me hon, were going to have a residence where no gravel throated Brooklinese or slow witted and spoken southerners ever venture. No, I don’t think I’m very intelligent, but most of those people border so near the moronic stage, that they become a bit exasperating.

But to kiss thy hand Sweet Wylie--11 months 7 days to do. After that, I know we no longer have to wish about being together.


Kenny Lee



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