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The War Bonds, the Fruit Trees and the Kids

Hi Lefty;

Just another ole lazy day--no classes just a few papers to correct. I like Sundays, all there is to do is sit around and dream or gas with the boys. Went so far as to even take a little mild exercise--played on one of the strikers ball team this morn. Misjudged one fly, later made the star play. Picked a high long one out in right field and threw a perfect strike to home.

Guess you know that was the double play that stopped that ball game. Course the batting eye was right up to a ten year lay-off average--Struck out the first time up, second try, cracked a sharp liner to the catcher. Don’t seem to bunt so well I guess. T’sad right, cause we won-5 to 1. Back to the dreams--have always worked hard, still do it. What I had in mind was an acre or so out in the city suberbs. Since to tinker or till(?) a small bit of soil is this sailors idea of civilian life, kinda think we may do that. I’m not the person who wants to raise all his own food, just think flowers and lawn an air which is free of smoke and city noises is the finest place in the world to raise kids. Atwaters home is practically ideal for the dreams to dwell upon. Reminds me of a cute cartoon--this guy is planting baby trees and three kiddies are a general nusciance(?) in the near vicinity.

“Ya”, he said, “the way I’ve got it figured, they’ll all mature about the same time. The war-bonds, the fruit trees and the kids.” Although things may be later getting started--I’m in favor of the same thing. Ive often stopped an thought--just what in the hell can I do on the outside. No possessor of business know-how, nothing tangible has been learned since leaving high-school. Yes, one could work with his back, but thats strictly the hand to mouth method. Maybe you’d better hurry and find me something a good ex-SM2/c can master speedily.

Did you check those pictures of Bob before the mater mailed them? I think he’s a big good-looking dogface. May not strike him as often as I do you--

Always I Love;

Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM2/c



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