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The Prize for Losing the Most Blood

Hello Hon;

You know Stinky that theres always a laugh--just talking with Finnell, an old buddy of Muscles’--telling about them trying to join the Navy in ‘38. It seems ole’ Musc’ couldn’t quite make the physical--high blood pressure and low, low arches: he went home and ate onions and took marble exercises for days and days--finally made the grade in ‘41. The other couple of chuckles came from my censoring detail--the kiddies always mention current events, but this chap really misled the home front with false data. We had a beer party as we do every month--on this party, was this gentleman that chases with knives--now he is a diligent, law

abiding student without a drink--my but ole’ John Blycohn does arouse his emotions. He got into three separate duels of fisticuffs--and the only thing he won was the prize for losing the most blood. Anyhoo, he took a hell of a bruisin all over, but the laff came in the correspondence to his ever loving little wife. “Dear so and so, we attended a social function yesterday--It was quite fun, I had a couple of beers and sat around to bat the breeze the rest of the time.” So went his report to the home front. What he meant to say was that he insulted people and then sat down--with help. Guess you know who don’t play give an’ take no mo!

Some lads don’t scribe of the preternatural tho, like the one who said “Have fun Honey, but don’t burn yourself out”-- I like you bestest of all.


Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM2/c



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