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The Lost Words and Many Sentences

Hello Beautiful;

Batch of back mail caught up--some you’d written while I was still at that shore-tower. Muscles also had a many addressed, penciled note and therein were these two pictures. Lil fellow in a hole, and a beautiful gal--you know Sweetie, you wear the prettiest wrinkles. Always say one should go to bed earlier--A letter from thou--the one about the folder that the lost words and many sentences go into. Cute idea, didn’t think these were that interesting will reread them more often--

It is a struggle hon., try as I can, this first class just keeps building up. All these people working on my exam--sometimes taint worth the effort. Course I snuck a look at it today, didn’t help much, cause the men returned too speedily. Its one of the type of tests with 5 possible answers for every question--all answers nearly fit, but one is the absolute. They are only using the International Navy and any allied procedure findable. Clouds, buoys, the ocean markings--something makes me believe that its against the rules to get anything for no. You won’t be so much richer n’ me--maybe.

A tale I think--about the man that came home one night and got in bed with his wife. They passed most of the evening pleasantly and had tumbled off to sleep. A short time later, footsteps were heard on the porch--the lady, who was still half a sleep, put a fist in her mouth and fearfully murmered, “My husband.”--The husband jumped out of the window--Wouldn’t that be a sorry situation for two parties to explain at the breakfast table?


Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM2/c



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