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Shakespeare Takes a Beating

Dearest Sweetie;

Really made out in the mail situation during the past two days. It seems that about a weeks correspondence piled up some where and subsequently came by ship. Planes are so much speedier, but mail or no mail, this character would sure

like to be on the ‘queen’. Saw a wire-photo in the paper of Iwo landing and thar she were, blasting the beach like always.

Dont believe that you have ever heard of the chap called “Chits” Oyler He is one of our third class and strictly a brain. He had a couple of years at Notre Dame (on the Navy) and got the boot for about the same thing as this chap. Poetry is one of his favorite pastimes and he’s really sharp. Every time the shower or wash-rack calls, Shakespear takes a beating.

About the time lights go out, he always recites a bit of comedy for the near listners. When your lying in the rack about half asleep and someone eases up to quote, it causes one to feel that maybe something was missed in school. Also writes horrid long sonnets about people dying, there thoughts and other’s too. After war, sometime we’ll check on the modern arteests and see if he isn’t included.

Sorry you couldn’t send the radio hon. It would have been nice. Music I believe, comes next to you in my heartsweet. I’m all for securing and going back to you.


Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM2/C



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