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Scrapin' the Bottom of the Barrel Now

Hi Dollinct;

To steal a phrase from Milt Gross, which really isn’t very good tho. The thrill of the chase and all that, is what I’m after.---Since we have a radio for a short time again, can tell why Crosby makes money. My but he does negotiate those notes nice--that man does everything. Dan Parker of the ‘Bugle’ column says der bingle not only owns horses, but also the N.Y. Yankees. Brings around about yesterday game, (no resemblence to Yanks) our pitcher was major league’r--St Louis Cards. He looks it too.

Toward the comedy side--you see hon., nearly every signal gang has a couple of

Hollywood strikers. On the ’queen’ there were two lads from Brooklyn. The usual thing for me, is to steer clear of such immegrunts, but these lads tried to live by their wits. An Irisher and a shonicker--had a bag full of corn, plus the ham need to sow it. If ever any one watched for a minute, off they’d go. Always start out with one of those, “Abie, turn on the green lide, the man wants a grin zuit”, jokes. For amateurs

they looked fine. Could dance those old soft shoe things too--Gad, but one does watch anything after a few days out. A laugh to watch is the slicky about two fencers--Enguarde(?), the pantomine of thrusts and warding off, finally one steps back like he’s changed to a cutlass. He takes a 360º swing neck high, and yells ‘touche’. At this point he reaches over at the opponent and makes like a head is being removed--Like the Lt. when we went back for V-12 said, after a look at Muscles an me, “Tsch, there scrapin the bottom of the barrel now.” We thot he was talking about specialists and civilians (ex), but after repeats, kind figured he meant us.

What I want--you know Sweetheart. To come home to you, and secure for a lifetime. If one must get old, he should do it in an enjoyable way--and I can think of nothing nicer.


Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM2/c



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