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Methinks I've Been Done

Dearest Sweetie;

Hi Hon,--like western union, one day service. Yesterday I’m asking about camera film, today it arrives. That package with film and seaforth foo-foo. A bloody great box with new stiff paper and cord--kinda wondered about contents. It had your name on outside, so when I broke it open found some Navy or British censor had rerouted it. The old address (about 8) were all inside--only mailed in Jan or Febr. I guess. Speaking of things, drew a hundred and a few yesterday. Today I open the moth catcher and find only 80

non-wrinkled skins. Somewhere were missing a twenty. Wouldn’t be near so mad if it had been lost honestly, but methinks I’ve been done. Funny how 20 and not the other 80 could disapear(?) isn’t it.

Hey Stinky you know I’m not very religious--did break down and check with the Chaplain thou’. There isn’t a C.S. operator on this base, but he is checking. Will try again in the near future. (An ole’ tinge of sadness kinda strikes me when I say something of a disfigurement--feel somehow that I’ve let you down. Didn’t try to Sweets honest. No change of heart here just a feeling of remorse that you can’t seem to help.)

Yes and this too--don’t spend your money for a chronometer, am sending mine home. The way I look at it, this case should be interchangable with the works of that army job we used to wear. If not, well all this one needs is a mainspring--can try anyhoo.

You know, baby girls may not be so bad. Candy has one and all’a time he’s making like a peacock. Struts around and tells what a beauty she is and here is wife ain’t near so purty as you. Must be all in. “Ask the man who owns one.” I’d like to--with you.

Always Love

Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM2/c



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