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Melodious Like Two Anvils

Dearest Sweetie;

If we were anywhere in the same vicinity, luff I would make. Woulds’t but I could kiss thou hand Sweet Sue--melodious like two anvils out of tune--yas. If I sound a bit like a goon, merely that short timers attitude. Course t’aint quite short enough, but m’thinks there may be some of that nasty ole thirty day leaves coming up soon.--Don’t set your heart too much tho’ hon, the scuttlebutt may be wrong. For the remainder of my cruise, would sure like to be

where Daigle was station. Think we could struggle thru’ a year, of that every day liberty hon? Would cease the navy for civilian status then. Spikin’ strictly in the venacular, how is your clothes buying. Oh I know you can buy female attire abatch, seems that all women a very capable at that, but can you pick clothes for the man. Can’t remember when Ive ever picked out a suit as good as Leo’s used to be. His last one was a grey pinstripe--veddy swank. I want one of those hon. Want that, white shirts, red or blue ties, black or brown shoes. I don’t remember my shirt or any other size, but t’will come.

Went to the dentist today hon., missed payday. Was going to send a couple hundred, but that fouled me all up. Am in the clear 140 now, 150 loaned out and 92 on next pay list. If things progress according to plan, will make money orders next trip. Played thing a bit pecular too bought a fifty skin transferee debt for 30--most assuredly well make out.

You know Sweet, if it wasn’t for you would put my twenty in. Your so nice to come home to tho! Like it more every time I think of you and give up that deep 33 page literature-

have us learn together.


Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM1/c



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