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Married Men’s Correspondence

Hi Hon.;

This ain’t my gear, cause always get bigger and purtier paper. Commonly referred to as “married men’s correspondence’. Navo, I’m better than that Stinky, bought some new--left it in the C.B.’s beer jern’t. Never get there in time for more than two or three--still can’t seem to remember my property.

Gosh but I miss you Sweetie--you need not believe my colored penmanship, still, the thoughts forever turn toward you. Can almost always picture the things that are written--wish so horribly to be there. When you take a blanket out to the sunshine, thats where I long to be. A blanket on a picnic out to the Atwater country villa (grounds), or maybe just a drive to the mountains. The beauty of our present surroundings seem to cease to emit that brilliance

needed to retain the attention for any length of time. One can feel happy for brief periods of time without his gal--soon it isn’t fine and bright anymore. Want to come home Sweetie, if only to be an enoch to wait upon you.

Do you still (or ever) read that author in ‘Our Navy?’--The boss tells a take about an old ex-author for the same magazine. A Shanghai Dollar who used ‘Grogan’ as a pen name. This Shanghai made every right arm rate he could get--always seemed to be getting broke to seaman. This one time, he got clear up to Quartermaster 2/c when a liberty fouled him up. You see, he’d spent a couple of cruises in China, hence name and antics. Anyhoo, he came aboard in a Jap Kamona, go-aheads and drunker’n 700 dollars--the O.D. put him down--drunk, out of uniform, conduct unbecoming etc. He finally got his name in a thousand spots, and secured for the evening. Nothing backward, he cruised straight to the skippers cabin-unabashed he undressed and crawled into the old mans bunk. A short time later, the #1 returned from his night of revelry--this Captain looked, blinked and yelled, “What the ‘ell are you doing in here.” Ole’ Shanghai rather unabashed like, opened one eye and said, “Furchistsakes shut up, douse the lights and come to bed”--Naturlly, he was known as S.D. Seaman ‘1c’ for the next foo months.

Did you ever notice how much a glass of beer improves a dash of salt?


Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM2/c



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