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Just the Thing for King Love

Dearest Sweetie;

Am getting to be a sorry soul about this writing--every week for the past three or four, have missed at least one day. Sorry hon, --just ain’t happy no mo’. Today, the day before the rates come out, they tell me. The man says I haven’t enough time in as a second class to go up for first. Damn me, the records are all sitting in a nice dry office--a complete container full of rates and breaks. Yet they can’t seem to add up from Dec. ‘42 to Mar. ‘44 and from Nov. last to this July as nine or more months in rate. My, my, but I don’t like this place--always trying to maneauver one into a compromising situation. If I don’t make it this time, bet you can guess who’ll be a lowly second for many moons to come. To add insults to injury, the C.Bs. have slammed their beer garden gate in our face, my clothes are all dirty (the other suit) and no soap. Somethings got to give, cuz they can push a coolie just so far--then he falls, I guess.

Do want to come home Hon. Think a little consolation would be just the thing for King Love.--Want to anyway Sweetie, need your hand to cool a very fervored brow. Probably one kiss would suffice--gosh, think I’ve forgotten how it feels. Must be awful good tho, or wouldn’t have liked it so much in those half lingering memoried days.

Should tell you, as my almost silent partner--were now wagering money on sure things. I hope. Prizefights are hard to figure, but think we have a winner for this week. May send that almost forgotten money order later--if we hit. Course if we dont, guess part of the house will remain unshingled, for a few months. Must mention again, that you will have to put more effort on the plans--things just can’t be built by saying, “Well, lay a brick here and put the bathroom over thar”--Just talked to my boss, he’s pushing and cursing a few of the higher paid help at the main office. Makes for more smiles.

To you, My Love

Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM2/c



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