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Hints to the Returning Serviceman

Hello Hon;

A brief moment of elation again--saw the sawbones this morning. He looked and gave me the usual spiel about my spot nee hair. After a few minutes of chit-chat, asked him for a chit to see a dermitologist at the Naval Hospital. Got same, so visited this rather famous

Naval Hospital at Pearl Harbor

physician of skin afflictions. The gentleman whose name I missed, but was rated commander give with the following. “Tis called spotty baldness, a rather common ailment in this area. We know no cure, but since yours is on the hairline, probably won’t extend over a very great area. In most cases, the hair eventually returns if that consoles you any. We’ll put this stuff on it, but the spread just seems to stop when it desires to, Next Man.” ---The hair left in that spot is purely microscopic but there is some peach fuzz. Culivation is in progress--My but I like you.

Did you ever see those carbon copies of “Hints to the returning serviceman”? They are some of the finest literature to be written recently. Sample; When in a civilians home and you find your hat missing when you get ready to leave, go to the hostess and say, “I believe my hat has been moved, would you pleaze help me locate it.” Under no circumstances yell, “Shut all the G- - D - - - - - doors, some S- - of a B - - - - stole my hat.”

Did you ever notice how hard it is to take your foot out of your mouth, especially after toothmarks begin to appear on the knee-cap.


Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM2/c



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