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Hatched, Matched and Detached

Hello Sweet Chick;

Read the new ‘Digest’--it has some of the finest quips therein. Those little footnotes and the picturesque speec’npatter. Since your a woiking goil under doctors orders to rest, will

your time and energy by quoting a couple. Of a baby, this visitor said, “Well, it has the mother’s features, but the father’s fixtures.” Even I, off the untutored class can tell the lil fellow was a boy. Another which I thot was very cute--This small town newspaper was very original about its births, deaths and marriages. They were all included under the heading of , “Hatched, matched and detached.” Maybe this second hand repetorie (?) isnt funny, but sure seems to look good at the first glance.

Now if I came home during the day and called MA0100, what would the extension be. With the apartment key and that number, m’thinks we might be able to make contact reasonabley speedy. The one I love and all that. When and if I ever do get back, must talk to you first. Have no desire to see a soul until we spend at least four hours together. Always looking ahead--have cruised back up to 100 odd fish agin, if we win Friday night--hell, the bedroom is practically furnished.

Of furnishings we speak, when it should be refinishing. And thats what they (the tenement squatters) will do to me if I don’t scribe home purty soon. Probably nice if you’d annoint the wound caused by lack of letters from me--will rectify that slight oversight within the month.

Still sad for my rate--the progress upward and forward is not what is expected of an ex V-12er. --Work calleth Via the O in C


Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM2/c



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