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Ham an' Eggs

Huyloo Daisy June;

D’ya suppose theyre gonna release Red Skelton now? He made me laugh in past yars.

Hey stinky be more careful about that tender complexion and skin--sunburn hurts when squeezed, an I’m the guy likes to squeeze you. That is a most lovely sensation--thanks

to you and not the Yanks. M’Ma wrote that she quit and also that I should get my rate sewed on, put the glory bars in the right place and make with the pictures. Several misconceptions; no machine, no stars’n’bars un no liberty except Sundays and evenings. Things shut up on the Lords day of rest. That point system is working honey--course were not in it, but four of the eight instructors are leaving next week. None of ‘em have any more points than we do, but the reservists you know.

Have oft times thought of lil’ babies. Always felt that if at any time you care not to own a personal bundle of joy, we could always adopt the things. An aunt of mine adopted a little Irish lad several years ago. He’s eight or nine now, and a good looking lad too. Not the most sentimental, but from what I’ve read, the reproduction on the female is a fair to middlin strain.--No, my face isn’t red from that talk. I, like you became a bit sunburned today. Instead of shaving when bathing last nite, waited until today. All day the sun beats down where those whiskers should have been. I suffered the foolish consequences.

As your well acquanted with the navy food, so seems to go the civilian fare. Roberts, the local joker, bounced in with his eyeballs hanging on his cheeks and wanted coffee. He said, “All I ever eat at home for breakfast is two aspirin.”--When an if we ever get home, you my love will make with the ham an’ eggs. (Not powdered)


Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM1/c



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