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Clipped the Boys for a Sou

Hello Sweetheart;

Just completed a very petty thing--always makes me feel as if someone had just caught me picking their pocket. We have a coffee jockey who very recently has been strictly Snafu--he’s broken two ‘joe’ pots, fouled our Oinc up and numerous other nerve shatterind assidities. Tonite the kid came to phone--the phone says business only, I told him so. That tinge began at my heart, and went both ways. Remorse, soft-heartedness, or call it what one may, tis a funny feeling. Since King Love was a small boy, anything to hurt a living things

starts that feeling. Probably you never knew that I didn’t hunt or fish, even when we refer to those things as a forward look in vacation time. Killing is funny--watched a few friends spill blood--many bloated bodies in the water, don’t care for that, even in sport. For myself only, others can do as they please.

Most unpleasant subject for your vacation, sorry honey, never mean to say things to hurt.

We’re off stinky--even the cubes are on an upward trend. Clipped the boys for a sou tonight, not much, but they had that feel. Like an old sailor of the queen, will once again allot a substantial amount to support the homefront.

Think so much about you of late Hon. Sorta an obsession I guess, want to come home so much, stay there so much more. Everything seems to take such a long time. Would like to go walking wif you, its late (for me) and the rain has been

running in lurches all evening. Just enough to keep the coolness aroused--wouldn’t bother us at all. Might go so far as to cop a smoogie. (You thot I was goin’ to say some thing else--probably meant it anyhoo)

Buy a rose Love

Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM1/c



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