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Canadian Club $2.00 a Quart

Hi Snotnose;

Got our filum back today--if you want anymore pictures, your going to have to find a place to get them developed. All 37 of that roll came out, but not a one is big enough to see anything. It seems that since this is a Naval reservation, we aren’t allowed to photog--still, if we had another roll, would you pose for a foo. Sure do like you Stinky W.--your my ideal.

Now if by chance you contact any film, buy a couple rolls, one for you and one for me. See what I’m after hon, you could take the other camera and make a picture or two from that end an’ I could do the same here. Since Bob’s outfit is doing nothing but draw rust and dust, wouldn’t hurt at all to learn the operation of the gizes. Seems there is a book of rules for the procedure used while running same. If you become real proficient, may let you spend enough money (yours natch) for colored stuff. This one instructor, Atwell, has the same type--has a car too. He takes a trip about once a week around the island or to some special spot. Always exposes a bunch of beautiful scenes--that’s what I like.

Your sweet hon., for all the things you say and do--never stopped loving you for a moment, but when you think your (I) doing the right thing, well, dont’cha generally do it. When my gal says she still wants me, feel that I must have made a move the wrong direction. Kinda have to keep my Sweetie informed or she might get mad--I like you best of all. Sometime will try to partially repay you for the faith you keep in me. Won’t put out startling news again, will let the government send a telegram.

From the sea-stories flowing, Panama is a fine spot--Canadian Club $2.00 a quart. Must visit.


Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM2/c



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