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After a Jillion Tons of Bombs

Hello Sweetheart;

We only have another 18 months or so to wait Stinky--to stop and think, that seems like a dreadfully long time doesn’t it. Already the eight months passed have practically been eight years. The days are always too short to get everything done, but when a person totals up, no time has elapsed at all. Today the paper said Japan wants peace--a soft peace, one without desecretion of their homeland. Me, well if we stop now it will mean that once again we’ll fight them. After a jillion tons of bombs on Germany, they still possessed a huge industry setup. If they could after that why can’t Japan, who is still practically intact. The fleet ranges off all coasts, I think a landing is possible any time--but even when we land, it doesn’t mean anyone gets out. “Our Navy” states that the U.S. will maintain a huge fleet after war’s end. How to do this--just keep a national emergency on for several years. As long as that emergency lasts, no one can get out. Even with my 6 year hitch up next year, it wont make

any difference--commonly known as, ‘holding one.’

Don’t see why this is even thought about--have such a nice billet. Some lads aren’t so lucky.

Always a laugh around--this chicken, a rather sleepy chap was sitting in class tother day with his feet propped up on the chair ahead of him. Told him to get his clodhoppers ta’hell offen the apolstrey(?)--Gad, the answer, “Gawsh Martin, if I put my feet down all the blood rushed to my head and I get a head-ache.”--After about 8 hours of such doughheaded comebacks, one begins to wonder. No wonder they come to school.

If I were home, me-thinks we would go to the mountains. Would like to be alone with you for about twenty nine days of my next thirty day leave. We’d just lay around, maybe walk or fish, but mostly just rehabilitate. I’m much in love wif yo’ snotnose--want to make you happy. Befor picking a nice quiet rendezvous and we’ll hide out from people--Hi Sexy


Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM2/



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