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A Tired Giant Breathing in His Sleep

The apple of my eye;

That makes me think of two things: First, the old wing is not yet withered nor turned to glass. If you have learned to dodge, or run, or catch, well, you be lucky. I still like to fling rotund objects at rotund things-my but I do like you, how could I ever have been so brutal as to frow wapples.

Second; where did the statement, “Your the app. Of miyi” ever originate, (Since I have only three classes this week, there’s plenty of time to think of things like that) Hey, got all but six or ten of my tests in for first--never saw such an outfit--everyone here has been rated verbally, (at different stations) but I get the book. Know why--there’s a cliche against us’ns in the minority “U.S.N.” (Have a 3.7 average on

the first seven tests) Did you ever pass the exams for CAF 8--hurry woman you can’t support a husband on the present taxing scale.

Nicer things come to those who wait--when the day is dyin, the wind becomes a gentle breeze--like a tired giant breathing in his sleep--none of the days dust coming from its nostrils. Everything seems to take a shower of darkness and shed the day’s dirtiness--even those variable little creatures of beauty called flowers, take a new lease on life and awaken. Yes hon. the evening is the nicest--an incessant burning for companionship heats my already fervored brain--this is the time when I long so much to be with you--not just placing a spatter on a paper and making believe. I really love you Stinky.


Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM2/c



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