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A Shortage of People to Snow

To Sweetie;

Whole day wasted--Sundays are a terrible day, all the kiddies get liberty causing a definate shortage of people to snow! Being junior, they (the sr’s) generally take it out on me. One nice consolation, when I go next door to take a shower, have a brew cooling in the back part of the toilet. An aeroligist(?) (weather man) at the U. showed me that fine little ice-box--so if your mother keeps kicking about beer in your fridge, hide same in said spot.

Wrote the mater and pater last night--told all I knew. Kinda hard sometimes you know hon, words don’t seem to coagulate the same as they us’ta. Try as I can, can’t seem to give little complex the shake. My classes notice it--comment when in nice carefree mood, rather sowworful when sad.--Ole Stinky, long to write of things we love--its really hard not to. Seems the situation isn’t quite normal anymore for such bandying of words.

Can still get in trouble tho’--an instructor stole a bike, not much good, but we fixed it up. Riding down the way today and some bloody big C.B. game me the halt sign--eased to a stop, and this man requested my credentials. Never one to be outwitted by the brawny-backed ones, referred him to the first thief. They had quite a foo words--guess we won that, still have the junk.


Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin SM2/c



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