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A Pappy With a Spotty Hairdo


I can’t write a dear John letter, wouldn’t if I could. That “forever thru sickness and through health” draws too much draft. Today, I find that I have an incurable hair disease--caught the bloody thing in the tropics or aboard that ship. Have a half-dollar spot on the back of my head where no hair grows--the doctors wont give me any encouragement on stopping it either---Look hon--I love you more than life itself, but you don’t want a pappy with a spotty hairdo. Ole Hon, you can get a guy with all the qualifications of a good husband and hair too--Honest, I’m spotty. Tis the second time I’ve written of it--each time the hurt deepens, but wah you know. First time tears have formulated since Leo--Damn me--Say hon, take the money we saved and your diamond, cuz I’ll be a poor excuse 2 months from now--

It took an awful lot of brews to scribe this Sweetie, but tis true, please shop around.


Kenny Lee

P.S. Don’t tell my folks, cuz they really

like you-----

Kenneth Lee Martin

Sweetie: might as well cease communications not because I don’t worship you, or because of madness--just that I’m going crazy and bald at the same time---Nothing could be more mentally disheartening than this, but always truthful-------------------Find a new guy hon. 2 or 3 months makes my head look like a bad wheat year-from the back, not front.

Again as always


Kenny Lee

Kenneth Lee Martin



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